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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 391

Osiston and I spar for what feels like a long time. I am dodging and rolling just trying to avoid being grabbed by his massive hands or put in any kind of headlock which he seems to be a fan of with me. Every muscle in my body is screaming at the long forgotten movements.

Nickolas and I would spar in the backyard of our house on the UMaine campus, but we had to keep it ‘human-like’ just in case anyone was watching or came around, so it has been a really long time since I have gone full out like this, and I love it.

An arm swipes past my face and I fight to refocus on what I am doing right now. Osiston said this is just an easy spar, but that doesn’t mean either of us have left our competitive spirit on the sidelines. I need to know I can still do this and I think he is pushing me to prove that to myself.

He is so fast. And huge, very very huge. His arms are probably the length of most of my body and his shoulders are so wide they make him look, and feel like a brick wall. I have to remember his weaknesses. Well, singular weakness, me. He won’t hurt me so he will pull punches to spare me, especially right now when he thinks I’m out of shape and not up to my usual standard.

I duck another swipe to my head and punch right at his thigh. The force sending a jolt up my arm, but also having the same effect of making his muscle cramp up and dropping him to one knee. The doesn’t stop him from swiping my legs out from under me as he goes down though and I hit the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of my lungs, I roll to the side before he can hit me or grab me though.

I jump up and feel the stretch around my ribs and the burn in my thighs, ready to continue our fight.

“You are doing well, Little One. A little winded, but not as bad as I would have thought with how long you were confined. Now, Jena, what kind of training have you had as an Alpha’s daughter? I know you were contained and sedated for a significant period of time, but if we get you the proper nutrition and start to work your body, your wolf and muscle memory should be able to catch you up quickly.”

“I still haven’t heard my wolf. I thought I would have by now.” She sounds on the verge of tears, but is doing everything to have this conversation rationally. “We have been away for days and Doc Sylvia has taken my blood and checked everything, but I still can’t hear her. What happened? Will she come back?”


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