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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 394

“Welcome to training. The instructors sometimes have us go the whole course, sometimes part of it. We work solo and in teams. There’s a lot to do just here. We also weight train and spar as a group daily.” We walk over to the que at the start of the course and Wyatt notices us.

“Hey ladies! You ready for this?”

“No!” We both say together and then laugh.

Wyatt runs us through the requirements and I pull us to the back of the line so we can watch the other go through. Jena is a good strategist too. We came up with a plan to get through the course. It’s an individual run today, but we are being sent every thirty seconds so there are warriors everywhere. It doesn’t seem to be a timed thing, but I could be totally wrong since the trainer is looking at his watch to start us off.

It is just like my first time. Everything hurts, I have rips in my hands that are bleeding from the ropes, my lungs and heart feel like they are going to burst out of my chest from exertion. And yet, I feel amazing! I can’t stop the smile that has spread across my face. I am exactly where I am meant to be.

I look back at Jena who is following me just to my left flank so she can stay close, but not trip either of us up. She is smiling too. I can’t even imagine what is going through her head right now.

We make it through the whole course, finishing by crawling in the dirt and then running across the completion line.

“Good time ladies.” Thomas, one of the other Elite lead trainers says.

“Thank you, Sir.” We say in unison.


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