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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 393

“I’m sure Alpha Reggie will ask you too, so if you want to wait and not have to tell the story twice, we understand.” I shared a quick look with Mina.

“You know she’s more likely to tell you than anyone else. We need to push her to talk or we can’t help. And the sooner the better, it’s already been a year.”

“Ugh, I know.” I link back, while leading us over to our usual table again, hoping the rest of my friends make it in before we are done. “I just feel bad and she has been through a lot. No one wants to relive stuff like that.”

“Except, she’s going to have to if we want to help her search for survivors.”

We sit down and dig in. I try really hard to listen to Osiston’s advice and eat slow, but the food is so much better than I remember.

“You are going to throw up, you know that? Slow down.”

“Osiston said something like that before we came in, but I am so hungry and the food is so amazing!” I close my eyes practically drooling.

“Well, Warrior Brogen is right, stop gorging, otherwise you’re going to have to taste it twice and I can guarantee the second time will not be as good as the first.”

We all laugh.

“Why do you call him by his title and Sky calls him by his first name? I noticed that with the Alpha King too.”

I shrug, not really thinking about it in a long time. The guys and Xander made fun of me once for it too. “I just call them what they told me to call them. It’s going to be weird adding the title back onto Nickolas’ name here though, he’s been my ‘uncle,’” I air quote, “for so long that I’m worried I’m going to forget and get some kind of punishment.” I cringe and they laugh at me.


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