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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 409

Alpha Reggie smiles and gives a little sigh before continuing.

“For all intents and purposes, Skylar is my niece and Xander’s cousin. There are some greats and grands and probably twice removed in there somewhere, but it doesn't matter she is a blood member of my family, just so you are all aware.” I hear several intakes of breath, but I am still focused on Alpha Reggie. “I asked Skylar to keep the connection a secret until I had more information, now we do. As her team, you should know that, so you know what is being asked of you. She was a target before the discovery, now that she has been captured and from what I understand from Sky and Jena’s accounts of their time with the rogues, blood and other samples were taken…”

This time my friends didn’t hold back their surprise.

“What samples?”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“What does that mean?”

“You’re Royal?”

“Wait? Did you know she was Royal before you sent us on that mission?” Mina asks, kind of aggressively considering she is addressing the king.

“I did. Is there a problem with that?” Alpha Reggie keeps his calm, but his posture and aura change like he is readying for a fight.

“A little bit, yes. Sir.” She adds, not backing down. “Why would you send a royal on a mission with the intention to get captured?”


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