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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 410

I take a long breath in and let it out slowly, raising my eyes to look right at Alpha Reggie, not sure if I am more relieved or angry that he is forcing me to confess this part of my history. I keep my focus trained forward in a tunnel vision as my voice comes out monotone and flat.

“I was tied up, both my hands bound above my head and whipped with a whip laced with wolfsbane so the cuts would open quickly and deep. Then my feet were lifted so I was parallel to the ground, silver powder poured onto the wounds. I was then dragged out to the woods and left to die. That was when and why my wolf showed up early. It took two days for us to heal.” I took another shuddering breath, feeling the pressure in my chest, but I refused to cry. Kaley and her torture would get no more tears from me. I kept starting at Alpha Reggie, but I could see Luna Anne in my peripherals, silent tears staining her cheeks. I couldn’t hear breathing from any of my friends. They must all be waiting to see what I do next.

“And that right there is my confirmation that you can fight off even my aura.” All of my friends gasp for air, even Xander. “Will you take that secret to the grave?” I didn’t need clarification on his question. He forced me to tell my story willingly to see if I would give up my attacker and when I didn’t he tried to force it, going as far as controlling all of my friends and Xander surrounding me.

“Like I told Alpha Lucas and the guys, it is too little too late. There is no going back to fix things now. We need to move forward.” I don’t take my eyes off of him. “So the abnormality is that I have more than one enhancement?”

He takes my cue and nods. “I have never known any female in our family’s history or any other Royal family’s history to have more than one enhanced ability. What I have found is that my Great Great Grandfather’s second son and his son experimented on the women in their family trying to take on their enhancements, eventually killing them. I think that might have been what Mike was doing with all of the females he took. He is a part of that lineage, but we don’t have records of names for that portion of the family. They were looking for your grandmother and mom, knowing they went into hiding.”

“And you still put her in harm's way, knowing she was the end goal target?” Wyatt sounds murderous.

“We didn’t have confirmation on that until last night. Doc Gannon and Doc Sylvia were able to confirm the tissue samples that were taken and reverse engineer the process, giving us a better scope of the situation. Without Skylar’s contribution to the mission we would never have confirmed that and we have been going at this blind for far too long. Some sacrifice is worth ending this. She understands this. Watch your tone boy!” Now the Alpha King was out, his wolf’s voice laced with his own. Alpha Reggie is menacing when he is angry and it’s amazing to watch. I can feel the fear and respect radiate off of my friends, but I am in awe of the spectacle.


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