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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 411


I nod my head, my eyes still closed. I want to cry at the idea that someone could possibly get away with the kind of crimes against our kind that the Rogue King has done.

“I did notice my dear that you said Mike and the Rogue King, reports have indicated that they are the same person. Why do you think differently?”

“Mike’s sole focus with us was to sire an heir. It was almost an obsession.” The thought sends a shiver down my spine. “If he was only intent on taking over, he would not have focused quite so much on that part of it. Yes, if he was an Alpha King, he would need an heir to continue the line, but continuing the line doesn’t matter if you don’t first have the throne. I am not sure if he thought that part through, telling me he is not the total brains of the operation, but he is clearly the front man, which makes the Rogue King more dangerous if he’s hiding behind lieutenants posing as higher leaders. We don’t know how many ‘leaders’ he’s hiding behind making capturing him more difficult. That’s what I would do if it were me. Set several layers of protections up, giving my adversaries work to do and wearing them down in the process.”

“That’s my girl.” He says proudly. “I know you want justice, but I don’t want you to burn the world down to get it. You all have your assignments, the more quickly we can sift through information and follow concrete leads, the faster we will get through these layers of protection that the Rogue King has set up. You are all free to roam the castle and the grounds until lunch. We have one more obligation today then we will get started.” Alpha Reggie claps his hands and rubs them together. The smile on his face is one of mischief and trouble.

Our group was somber as we left. So much information was revealed and I think each of us was emotionally raw. I was ahead of the group not wanting to explain my time with Mike, not wanting to explain my scars. I don’t want to focus on what happened to me, on the things I can’t go back and change. I won’t be the victim. These things happened to me, but I will learn from them and get better, nothing like that will happen to me again. I won’t allow it, I can’t allow it. If I ever make it home, Kaley will not dictate my behavior, that Skylar is gone. This new Skylar is strong mentally and physically. This Skylar has seen too many things to be afraid of a useless bully. This Skylar will not hesitate to put that bully in their place, publicly if it will send the message that it won’t be tolerated any longer. This Skylar needs to stop this Rogue King and get home to fight off the demons of her past.

I didn’t even realize I had walked outside until I blinked as I came up to the entrance of the hedge maze Alpha Reggie showed me when he first told me about my connection to the royal family. I took a deep breath and moved to step in, longing for the comforting silence the magical plants brought, when two hands grabbed me and spun me around, enveloping me into a tight hug, his scent wafting around me, warm and secure like a blanket right out of the dryer.

“You know I want answers, but you know I won’t ask. When you’re ready, please tell me, don’t suffer alone anymore, you don’t have to. Okay?”


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