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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 413


Training has been brutal, but getting better everyday. I don’t know if the trainers are hard on us because they know our attention has to be divided with our individual team training assignments from Alpha Reggie, or if we really are that out of shape. I personally feel out of shape.

We have gotten a decent schedule down over the last six weeks. After a very early and aggressive morning training and breakfast with the whole warrior compound the six of us literally run our five mile route to our assignments.

Nathaniel and Jena run to a building outside the warrior leader's house and work with the cyber team, developing methods of tracking using every form of web knowledge they have. They are also really close to developing a similar tracker to the one Mike had placed in Jena and I. The focus has been on making it easy to administer and remove as well as less detectable. Doc Ganon and Doc Sylvia have been having far too much fun playing hide and seek on all of us as guinea pigs.

We have even talked Sierra into helping us by working with her parents to discover the different combinations of herbs and poisons that were used on Jena and I. She is actually really smart with all of this stuff and possibly more crazy than her mom when it comes to testing on us. She is actually trying to get us all to build a tolerance to wolfsbane, by sneaking it into our food to see if we or our wolves notice a difference. She has been having fun consulting with witches on the properties of plants and their uses in magic. I think she is also excited about getting out of regular school work as well. And I get to see her more since she is on the training grounds more regularly.

Wyatt and Lillian have teamed up with Tracker to learn, well, tracking. He’s such a big guy so it doesn’t seem like that would be the best thing for him to do, but he has a natural flare for it. And he is a ninja when he wants to be, constantly sneaking up on all of us. She is his opposite in build, but an amazing warrior and after hearing about the girls who were taken along with us, she wants to be one of the first in line to help with recovery in situations like that. They are both beasts when it comes to training. Neither slacked off while we were away. And I love the workout they both give me when we spar.


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