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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 414


We did mention my great grandmother’s twin sister’s ties to the earth and the forest so that is where Elena started. She is everything I thought a witch would look like. She is a fiery red-head with emerald eyes. Her hair is so deep burnt orange it looks like it’s on fire in the sunlight. She has different braids flowing through her medium length locks. Some with beads or feathers attached, some just braids tied off with thin leather straps. She is taller than me, like pretty much everyone, but only by a couple inches, but her personality precedes her into a room, like an Alpha or Beta of a pack. She is very calm, but I feel like it’s a calm she works hard to maintain and if someone presses the right button she could shoot fireballs out of her fingers. Her build is womanly with curves in all the right places, but she doesn’t hide behind frumpy dresses or dress like a sl*t either. She is classy and natural. It’s hard to tell her age because of the way she carries herself.

“Sit straight and place your palms flat on the ground. Tell me what you feel.”

“The dirt is gravely but soft. It’s warm from the sun.” I press my palms further to the ground and take a deep breath slowly in and slowly out. Concentration has been the hardest thing for me. Sitting still and just being quiet isn’t something I ever thought I would have trouble with after spending so much of my life secluded and alone, but I don’t like the not moving, not thinking part of this whole thing. Another deep breath in and then out. The grass is cool and silky under my touch. I concentrate on feeling further below the surface. “It’s buzzing! Why is it buzzing?” My eyes shoot open and I look up at her.

“Close your eyes and feel, try to listen with your hands.”

We have had several sessions and it has become frustrating because I have never felt anything. I don’t think magic is a thing that was passed to me. This thrum is the first time I have felt anything other than the obvious physical things around me.

“It’s like a heartbeat or a pulse, but there is a buzz with it, what is that?” I take another breath and try to mentally follow the pulse and the buzz, but before I can get too far with it, I lose the whole sensation and everything snaps in me like a rubberband. My eyes fly open and I jump up like something bit me in the ass. “What in the hell was that?!”

“You felt the trees connecting, they speak to each other through their root systems. What I think the buzz might be was a call of urgency, to prepare.”


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