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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 421


“I think so if Lil comes with to help. It will be plenty of time.”

“What about me?” Jena whines. She’s scouting not far from Wyatt.

“Not a chance.” I responded. “I won’t even go, because the temptation will be too great, you are going nowhere near those guys. It will be a massacre and we are not in a position to deal with that fallout.”

“I’m ready, give me the go and scout, boss.” Nathaniel says, ignoring Jena. He hates leaving her out, they have become close, but knows it’s for her own good too.

“Me too.” Lillian chimes in for the first time. “I will meet you at the back of the truck.” She and Jena have been at each other’s throats because we have been giving Lil all Jena’s usual jobs on this mission. Not really what anyone wants, but it’s necessary. So I have been keeping them as far apart as possible.

“Make sure you get in and get out. We don’t have any way to mask your scent now, so they will know something is up if you go right in. You need to come from the front and when you leave each take a different direction, go as far out as you have to to cover your tracks. Then meet up with us.”

“Understood.” They both say.

“We have about five minutes, get set.”


I stare just like I did the first time we were brought to the compound. It’s like this everytime we come back from a mission. I always smile seeing the bunkhouse and the trees lining the back, hiding all of the obstacle equipment from the road. This is my safe place, my place to feel free, but it still isn’t home. I don’t know if I will feel home until I find my mate though. Like a piece of me is still missing, but I don’t feel sad about the thought, more like I am waiting.

“We should jump back in the jeep and keep working on your driving. You’re getting really good now.” Wyatt says looking back from the passenger seat.

“Aren’t you tired? We literally stayed up for two days and slept outside on the ground for the rest of them.” Lillian whined.


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