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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 420


“I actually miss all of them, but I get needing time to form the mate bond. Has anyone seen them since the bond kicked in? I’ve been spending so much time holed up in the study and I didn’t want to disturb…anything.” I can feel my cheeks heat up.

“You are so funny!” Sierra laughs at me.


“You can say s*x, it’s okay. They are probably having tons of baby making s*x. Why are you blushing?” Sierra scolds me. “It’s normal.”

“I’m not blushing, and I just don’t really like talking about it. It’s personal and private, no one else should be discussing it.” I try to shrug it off.

“Of course we should, how do you think anyone learns? I can bet all the guys discuss it, Right Wyatt, Nathaniel?”

“Probably not as in depth as you think, but yeah, I guess so.” Wyatt says and I can’t keep my eyes from going wider. I do keep my mouth clamped shut.

“It has helped when some girls struggle with getting the memo that it’s casual, even when you tell them many times before anything happens. Clingers are the worst and we usually try to help each other out before a situation gets rough..” My jaw did drop, that was the most I have ever heard out of him at one time. “I mean, it’s been a couple years though. The full warrior brand makes it impossible to do anything.” It was his turn to look shocked, he didn’t mean to let all that slip out and I had to giggle. At least I wasn’t the only one to feel awkward in the conversation.

“Really? Nothing at all?” Sierra asks. “I don’t know if I could handle that.”

“It’s not a big deal, honestly. There isn’t any desire to have s*x. If we were just banned, but had all the urges I would have been kicked out before we even started.” His booming laugh carries across the field and we all join in. “Like I don’t even think I could get it up if I watched the hottest porn all day. Or if you all stripped right here and started rubbing one out.” He shrugs. “Nope, nothing, and you all are hot, the idea alone should have me all worked up.” He shrugs again.

“That was graphic.” I mumble


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