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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 429

Chapter 0429


“Excuse you! You have been along for almost every round of trouble, missy, shut it. I also know Nathaniel is watching so I use the tech to my advantage. I'm sure he has eyes on us now because I get the feeling we are the only ones who have seen any action at all and he’s bored as f*ck."

“Obssessed much?" Oliver snipes from behind me.

“Jealous much?” I quip back.

"I don't know your team and the idea of some guy watching and recording you all the time sounds sketchy to me.”

“Eww. When you Say it like that, yeah.”

It was a quiet drive after that. Thank the Goddess it didn't take too much longer to reach the SUV.

"Midge, I'll take the keys and follow.”

"It's okay we can both go. I don't think Jena is going to leave her hostage any time soon.” I look out the back window at my friend.

“Although watching her yell at your brother this whole time has been entertaining. I didn’t know we could even have sexual tension with these brands on, but I can feel it through the window from here.” I smiled at Lil’s comment, but looked back at my brother and my friend again. Huh, it does remind me of when Slerra and Sam first started hanging

out. I’m going to have to pay close attention.

Lillian goes to jump out of the car and I move to go with her, but Dakota stops me. I look at him confused.

"Stay, Oliver can go with Lillian and make sure she gets to the packhouse.”

“But, I...”

"No, stay, please.” The look in his eyes was somewhere between pleading and serious. “I! want to talk to you.”

This was going to happen sooner rather than later, but !

figured I would be accosted by all the guys at the same time, not have to individually talk to them about leaving and avoiding contact.

I nod, “Okay, I'll stay, but I have to get out to give her the keys.” I don't give him time to think. I climb over and jump out. The keys are tucked into the back of one of my leg pockets. I pull them out and hand them to Lil. “Stay close, the terrain gets a little choppy around this area.”

"You act like I don't drive ever.” She rolls her eyes.

"No” Jena shouts, “We don't let you drive because you suck at it. Good luck Oliver, I hope you don't get motion sick."

Jena and I laugh, cause she isn't joking one bit. Of all the things Lil is good at, driving she never really mastered.

Oliver regarded me then swiped the keys from Lil’s hands. "

Hey! What the hell?”

"Since I know where I am going, this will guarantee that we

get there, and in one piece.” Jena and I start laughing again. I follow Oliver and Lil to our SUV.


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