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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 442

“Because all of our future leaders are already out working for the day, they eat before they go. Their schedule is different from the students and I accommodate that. The breakfast buffet will be set up in thirty minutes for everyone else in the house.” Lenny is calm and collected, like she is explaining something new to a toddler.

“I am your future Luna, one of your future leaders, you should accommodate me too.” Kaley growls at Lenny and I am ready to get up and smack her myself, but Oliver shakes his head at me almost imperceptibly.

“Listen here, you little trollop. You may be in the Alpha’s home, living off of his generosity, but you are not our future Luna. Our future Luna will be kind and respectful to all of the pack members. Our future Luna will appreciate everything that is done by the pack members. Our future Luna will see and notice each and every pack member. Before she takes the title. You will never be a Luna. Now get your coffee and leave my kitchen, you are interrupting my breakfast preparations.”

Kaley’s jaw is on the floor. I don’t know if anyone in a service position has told her off like that and I can’t help the smile and small laugh that escapes me. I look back to Oliver who is also smiling. We both cram the last of our food in our mouths.

Lenny looks over at us. “Miss Skylar, where will you and Gamma Oliver be? I will bring lunch to you after I deal with this.” Lenny flutters her hand towards Kaley.

“We are going to start in the weight room, but I don’t know how long we’ll be there. I don’t want you to have to come looking for us. Why don’t we stop back by when we leave?”

“I will have it ready, sorry for the delay.” Lenny is laying it on thick and Oliver and I are here for it.

“Thank you Lenny.” Oliver leans in to kiss her cheek.


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