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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 443

“I’m sorry you went through that. I wish I could turn that connection off so my moods wouldn’t affect you like that.” I look down at my feet. I know we need to talk, I guess now is as good a time as any. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I don’t. If you could shut it down, I never would have found you. You wouldn’t be here at all.”

“What are you talking about?” My heartrate is starting to pick up.

“Who do you think got to you first in that locker room? We are connected for some reason. I think part of it is so I can find you when you are suffering all alone.”

“How did you know?”

“I felt off when we were getting ready for the ball, but I brushed it off. Then I got a massive headache, the only kind I get with you. I tried to mindlink you and couldn’t. You were blocked from me. I linked dad, I didn’t want to say anything to the guys until I knew for sure you weren’t still training or doing something equally stupid with him or Kyle.” I got a small smile then. Then his eyes go dark and glossed over. “Then my mouth started to bleed, like I took a sucker punch from Kota and my whole chest seized. My wolf took over, I shifted and he jumped out the window of Cam’s room. You were so broken,“ He takes a deep breath in and a tear falls from his eyes, but I can’t move. I’m frozen in place. “I don’t think there was a part of you that wasn’t damaged.” He takes another deep breath in and squats down, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes. “You told me to let you die.” He sobs and sags to his knees. I couldn’t hold back anymore and I walked over to him.


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