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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 449

Jena returns his smile, thrusts her hips up into his, his eyes go wide and I can hear his intake of breath. Then she shoots her head forward and kisses him full on the lips. He whimpers a little before she reverses their position, lightening fast, and flips him on his stomach, locking his arms behind his back and one of his legs up so he has no leverage.

“What the f*ck?!” Mateo shouts from the dirt.

“Do you surrender Beta Boy?” Jena sits there, straddling his free leg, knee firmly pressed to his d*ck, holding his hands and bent knee like she has all the time in the world.

“F*ck no! You cheated!” He tries to squirm, but she reminds him she’s in control.

“How is using all of my assets and your weaknesses cheating?”

“You don’t make out with your enemy.”

“That wasn’t making out, you need someone to broaden your horizons if that is your definition of making out. That was a distraction tactic. Do. You. Surrender?”

“I want to table this fight until later, we are not done here.” He grunts as she shifts again.

“I will take that as a win for me, this round. It was a pleasure rolling around with you.” She lets him go and slaps his cheek and Lil and I are openly laughing now.

“I have to agree, that was a low blow, bordering on cheating.” Cam says as they both get off the ground and Mateo is looking at Jena like he’s never seen her before.

“So, you’ve never flashed a smile at a girl to melt her panties and get your way?” I ask.

“I mean, that's different.” He coughs. “That’s not how you win a fight.”

“So if I was pinned down by someone three times my size, who thinks he’s better than me because of his size, you’re saying I shouldn’t use all my strengths and all his weaknesses against him to win and get myself free?”

“You should not be in that position to begin with. You should always have back-up.”

“That isn’t always possible and you aren’t answering her question, meaning you agree, but don’t want to.” Lil chimes in.

“It really is a distraction tactic and it works ninety-nine percent of the time. On both males and females.” I shrug, smiling as wickedly as I can and start walking, Jena and Lil following me to the locker room so we can change.

“I think you broke them.” Lil is looking over her shoulder. I turn to look back and they all have various levels of surprise on their faces, but with jaws hanging to the floor.


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