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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 450

Chapter 0450

I can’t argue with that and Kaley isn't exactly original with her torture. So I led them down the hall. Our school has a central office that deals with all of the students, but from there the school is like a compound that branches from the main office.

Our elementary wing houses all of our younger pups from preschool to second grade. We even have a daycare that our high school students help with for the Omegas that have both parents working. Our gym and indoor pool separate the younger elementary kids from the older elementary kids.

The third through sixth graders were always my favorite kids to work with on the weekends. We pass the middle school wing and the tardiness is amplified as we hear the kids and teachers in discussion.

The area between the middle school and the high school area houses all of our maintenance offices and storage.

This is where I was taken most often when Kaley had her goons grab me.

"What are you looking for?” I ask Jena who is very intrigued with the wall.

"There aren't any cameras visible here. But this is probably the most used portion of the hallway. All the lockers over there and the stairwell here, every single highschool student passes this way. If I was watching for problems or really wanting to gauge literally anything going on with the high

school students I would have cameras facing down both ends of the hallway, up the stairs and down the maintenance hallway. Cause we all know if kids are skipping class, it’s to get laid in a janitor's closet.”

“Gross.” I can't hide the look of disgust on my face.

“Meh, not really. It’s probably the cleanest place. Better than the bathroom.” Lil shrugs and my eyes pop. “What?

You act like you've never gotten handsy with a boy. Even you arent that innocent.”

"Uh, no. Like I said gross and did you forget about the part where no one but the guys and Sierra talked to me before I left?”

“Honestly, I assumed you had a little fun with all of them, except your brother, the way they hang on you.”

I choke on air. The coughing fit lasts longer than it should with Lil laughing at me and Jena doing a half ass job at hiding her amusement.

“NO! I try not to shout as I get the ability to talk back. “What the hell?! None of them look at me like that. Besides, Mateo would have killed any of them for trying even if they did look at me as something other than a little sister.”

“You, girlfriend, are blind.” Jena says.

“Huh?!” I'm so lost, but I don't get my question answered when we are accosted by my favorite people.

"What the f*ck are you doing here? Aren’t you too good to be back at high school?” Kaley snarks. I wish I could just

smack her, but old habits die hard and here at school, I find myself frozen in her presence. I just want to walk away and not bring attention to our group. But my friends have no such problems.


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