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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 459

“Midge! What are you doing? Time is of the essence here!”

“Lil, your timing is terrible, you know that?”

“Why? You banging your Gamma?”

“You know I’m not, asshole.”

“Then move your ass, you can ogle your boy later.”

I take a deep breath and press my forehead to Oliver’s chest. “Can we table this? Lil is being insistent that what she has is time sensitive. I also feel like this is a conversation for all of us to have together and shots will be needed.”

“Shots? You have grown up haven’t you?”

“I had to learn how to keep up with college kids and stay safe, so yeah a little. We should maybe sneak out and do the bonfire tonight.”

“Why not? Let’s go see what your team found.”

“We really should go clean up first.”

“Nah. They interrupted something, they should know that. It will also help to spread some rumors at school.” He winks at me.

I just shake my head, picking up my book, packing it back into my bag and we head out. He won’t let us walk though and heads towards a black jeep.

“Is this yours?” He nods. “When did you get this? I thought you guys went everywhere in the truck.” I copy him and climb in as he starts it up and pulls out of the driveway.

“We still take the truck when we’re together, but we have been divided a lot over the last year really getting into our individual training and jobs. Like I said, lots of changes. I don’t know if all they guys are going to come clean, you just need to know we were all in a dark place for a while after you left. For me, it was getting to you so late. The twins actually didn’t speak…to each other… for almost a month. No one knows what happened there, but they stopped sharing a room too, and I’ve never seen them sleep separately in our lives. They did until you got back.”

“Yep, drinks are needed, especially if we are going to trade horror stories like that.”

We pull up to the school and head into the office. We get strange looks from the few people in the hallways as we enter, making us both laugh.

For only two people. Lil and Jena have a flurry of things going on. Papers and blueprints are spread out everywhere.


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