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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 460

“You didn’t say how you were going to keep the Cunningham’s in the dark about this.” I say.

“This is where you and I come in.” Lil claps her hands. “He already is banned from the construction site, but has regular contact with the contractors. I have talked to the current contractors and they are going to basically move all communication to email, so we can have control over it without him knowing. That will cover that side of it. We will give him the plans and move forward, he will get what he is supposed to, we won’t lie to or deceive him, but we will just word everything in a way to keep him placated.”

“So how do we keep him from checking the sight?”

“We are scrutinizing all of the school's safety protocols as the Alpha King’s first line of security. They, most likely, already know about the plans to move non-warrior pack members, but until we actually start the move, the safety of the pups is our,” She points between herself and me, “Main priority and assignment from the Alpha King. Alpha Lucas has already sent him instructions to do as we say, which means he’s going to be on our asses. We need to get really specific and have daily early morning meetings with him and of course since it has to do with taking care of the pack's safety, the ‘future Luna’ should be involved.” Lil rolls her eyes. “I have already sent them both emails, we are starting right after training first thing tomorrow.”

“That keeps us out of helping to build though.” I exclaim. I really don’t want to deal with Kaley for a month, even if Lil is there to be my back up.

“But you have such willing and strapping young men to do your bidding.” Lil winks. “It's perfect. Kaley is going to be so focused on you that she won’t pay attention to what is going on around her. She’s also going to see this as a benefit since she will see you nowhere near any of your guys all day everyday for a month. And they can’t claim you did anything wrong because you will be with them the whole time.”

I can’t really argue any other points. We spent the rest of the day planning out our security detail for the school. Both plans were a go. We were able to get a hold of the contractors in charge of the Cunningham’s house and they agreed that the constant changes were unnecessary and would only come back if we could guarantee that Kevin would not be involved at all. Alpha Lucas agreed to Jena’s terms and even offered to pay a bonus to the laborers if they could have it done before the new year. He seems to be more willing to go against Kevin recently as opposed to just letting him have his way. I would love to ask him about it…when we both have time.

Following training the next morning, Lil and I had a meeting with Kevin and Kaley highlighting all of the necessary changes for the school and several that were not required, but would take time and of course needs their input. Lil and I made a point to make fun over mindlink of the fact that Kaley was allowed to skip classes for this when Kevin tried to give me and my friends a hard time about setting good examples to younger students.

The more that Lil stroked her ego the more Kaley pushed for the extensive changes to her father, wanting to use it as her Luna project for the pack. He couldn’t say no to her. She was on board with everything that Lil suggested and said I shouldn’t f*ck anything up and make her look bad.

We were able to fill the guys in on what we were up to over the mindlink daily, but we didn’t see much of each other until a few weeks later when they needed help hauling lumber to the Cunningham’s property overnight for an early start the next day.


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