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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 462

A regular retelling, complete with arm movements, sound effects and puffed out cheeks they would run around the bonfire describing each of the guys faces. That is one thing we do every weekend, no matter the weather or our schedules, we sit at the bonfire and exchange stories from the week and share a drink.

Oliver and I were able to find a type of protection spell in the grimoire to put a small umbrella over the bonfire clearing when it would snow. It has allowed us to get out and just hang out as a group, a really large group with my team here, but still as a group of kids, no jobs, no responsibilities, no one asking us for anything, just to sit and be.

Oliver is actually really good at helping me decipher the seeming rambling of all the different writings in the book. He’s been almost as invested as I am getting through all of the things that Elena assigned me. He is the reason I have been training the elements in the order that I have been. He seems to understand the magic and how it works and he hasn’t been wrong yet.

Fire was the most intense. I was genuinely scared of hurting someone after the earth and water shenanigans, but Lil actually came up with a great idea and had me light several candles and focus on moving the flames from one candle to the next. Although, I knew her faith in my ability was small since we also did this round of testing in the indoor pool area. I didn’t burn anyone, but it was so stressful, I actually slept for a whole day after doing that casting. The guys each took turns staying with me while I slept, just working from my room.

Air actually came the most natural to me. Now that we are at the end of winter and the weather is starting to break I have been spending more time in the woods behind the packhouse. Like being able to decipher different scents, moving the breeze, speeding it up, slowing it down was just as simple as breathing. But, I apparently make faces when I cast and that has been the most recent round of entertainment at our current bonfire.


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