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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 463

“How do you figure?” Mateo asks

“He’s settled for power as the head of the school board in order to try and manipulate things for him and his daughter. It’s why he keeps pushing her on the twins, why he stalled the building of his home, hoping a forced proximity will help her chances. When we were younger at school she was always paired with Cam and Kota, even though she and I are a year younger than you guys. But she’s not the only girl, have you noticed the amount of female attention that has surrounded the guys lately? It’s going to get worse before it gets better.” I shutter.

“I hope you guys all find your mates quickly, some of these girls are nuts.” Jena grimaces. “I actually heard two people plotting to get pregnant so you would have to take them as chosen mates. You need to watch your backs and make sure you wrap it up tight.”

“Yeah, we’ve started to feel the crazy vibe.” Cam stares into the fire. “I just wish they wanted us for us though, or could even have the smallest respect for the fact that we want our mate.”

“So you’re sure that you will both share a mate?” Lil asks.

They share a look and then nod.

“Do you know who it is?” She questions with an eyebrow raised.

“No one knows, not for certain.” Cam tries to deflect.

“But that look on your face says you do actually have someone in mind.” She points between them. Neither respond or look up from the fire.

“We need a game!!” Sierra shouts suddenly, startling everyone..

“What did you have in mind?” Sam nuzzles her neck.

“The bonfire is supposed to be fun, not depressing and all we talk about is work, which right now is depressing. I want to know about all the new friends Sky has made, since I have lived near them all for years, but I don’t know anything.”

“As long as we can just sit here and keep drinking, I’m okay with that. This week has been rough.” Mateo sighs.

“How about ‘never have I ever?’ or Truth or Dare, but the dare is you have to kiss someone of the questioner’s choosing. We’ll keep it short and simple.”

“I feel like there is nothing of the sort when you are involved.” Lil laughs.

“You are not wrong.” She winks. “Now what are we playing?”

“Never have I ever.” The twins say together, a strange look in their eyes.

“You afraid to have to kiss someone here?” Sierra teases them.

“I’m not really interested in making out with Sam, I’m pretty sure I know where his mouth has been.” Kota winks.

Sierra pretends to be offended and throws her empty cup at him, but he bats it away easily and laughs.

“Fine, I’ll go first. Never have I ever kissed someone in this group.”

Sierra and Sam drink naturally, Oliver and I both drink, but so do Lil and Wyatt.

“What’s the story there?” I ask Lil and Wyatt, ignoring the small growl coming from Cam next to me.

I don’t think that tension went unnoticed, but Lil starts talking like nothing is weird.

“Wyatt and I got our brands at the same time and I was curious about the hormone suppression thing. I mean that's a weird thing to shut down and oddly specific. I was curious if you could override it somehow, like was the suppression to just keep you away from the opposite sex or could it keep you from desiring it at all. There are so many questions.”

“So what happened?” Sierra giggles.

“You know how when your hand falls asleep and you know it’s there but you can’t feel anything just before the tingles start. That’s what it was like. It was hilarious, she kissed me and I knew that our lips were touching, but I couldn’t actually feel it.”

“So you haven’t had sex, or done anything else in almost two years?” Sam sounds appalled.


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