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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 481

“How am I supposed to get a bracelet on any of them if they can’t even pull their hands out of their pockets to hug me, Sam?”

“You were able to touch him though, right?”

“Yeah, I was able to hug him, but not the other way. He looked awful.”

“They all do. Maybe one of us can get the bracelet on, maybe if you just have physical contact with them it will work.”

“It’s worth a shot anyway.”

“I wonder if it’s going to be the same with the twins or if you won’t be able to touch them at all.”

“This is so stupid.” I huff through the link.

“Bright side. Birthdays are coming up and no one can get in the way of that. Eighteen baby!”

“You wanna bet? And I will not be eighteen.”

“We always celebrate together. It’s an us thing, always has been.”

“I was not a part of that ‘us’ thing for fourteen years, remember.”

“Nope, I don’t remember anything of the sort. You have been around since the dawn of time. You were just the silent partner for a really long time. Now you have your voice and ‘silent’ isn’t even in your vocabulary.”

“You are stupid, but I love you. You will have fun no matter what.”

“It’s my birthday. Everyone else can f*ck right the f*ck off. If we have to, we will party at your house in the backyard. I just want to be with all of my friends for my eighteenth. Is that so much to ask?”

“Once a diva, always a diva.”

“This is happening Sky, it has to.” All his playfulness is gone. “This one is important, you know that, I know that, everyone knows that. Does it surprise you that all this sh*t is going down right as all of us are about to come of age?”

“Yeah, I thought about that too.”

“Not just the crap with Kaley though. Everything. All the attacks, The Alpha going crazy, tons of new people coming into the pack. All of it. This is big.”

“We just have to keep everyone safe until this all blows over then. Which means we have to figure out how to get the twins alone long enough for someone to get those bracelets on them and for me to set the incantation. That’s a big task.”

“We’ll figure it out. Go sleep, you are running on none right now.”

I do as he asks, for once, once and head straight to the house. Wyatt and Nathaniel are eating before Wyatt heads to patrols and Nathaniel heads to help with the next training session.


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