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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 482

This time it didn’t go away and innocent lives are being lost and we are focused on the wrong things. We should not be having a ball to placate a f*cking princess wannabe, who decided to take, by force, what isn’t hers.

Finally, Sunday rolls around and the new patrol schedule was posted last night, effective immediately. This put Mateo and Oliver on the same patrol with Jena and I. We have to work fast though, before someone discovers Mateo and Jena are together. I think that is the bigger issue over him being with me.

Jena and I make sure we are fully geared up. I am not under the delusion that Mateo will be able to be freed as easily as Sam and Oliver. He has always put this pack first, above everything, including his own wants and needs. He was always taught that the Alpha is right and to never go against him. That kind of loyalty is great, until you have loyalty blindly, then people get hurt.

Oliver gave me a specific place to meet them on the route. He was afraid Mateo might lose his sh*t if he saw Jena and I both at the patrol house to check in. So we showed up early, ran to the location and were just stuck waiting.

Just as I really start to get antsy, I finally hear some noise in the underbrush. Oliver is being loud intentionally and it’s strange, normally he is the most stealthy of all of us. I wonder if my brother suspects something with him acting out of character like this.

Then I see it, my brother’s wolf barreling towards us at full speed, not good, cause he looks pissed.

“Incoming, Bitty. I think he can smell Jena or you, or both of you. I don’t know if Mateo has control right now.”

“We got him.” is all I have time to reply as I let Jena know.

“Come here, baby.” She whispers, and I pack that away for later as she shifts just in time for his wolf to collide with hers.

They are all teeth and fur. Flailing, snapping, biting, throwing. His wolf keeps grabbing her forelegs in his mouth and flipping her to her back, but then releasing her. Like they are playing, not fighting for dominance.

“Jena, I need him human, for this to work. Can you get him to shift?”

“How do you expect me to do that? I can’t mindlink him, dumbass.”

“Try shifting first, see if he’ll mimic.” I suggest wildly

They are just rolling and fighting and the look in his wolf’s eyes is devastating. He looks like he

is in pain. They roll again and he looks like he is going to take dominance again. She shifts mid roll and lands flat on her back in her human form. His wolf straddled her, open maw over her throat, all teeth bared. She just stares up at him defiantly. I’m not sure if her look is more taunting or accepting, but it’s disturbing on all levels.

He doesn’t clamp down though. Just breathes, the steam billowing from his nose, hot breath leaving a visible moisture on her neck. Then I hear bones start to crack and see a shimmer as his body slowly shifts back. I’ve never watched a shift like this before.


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