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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 484

Wyatt and Nathaniel are actually excited to make the trial challenges. The idea of making it look hard, but not actually doing any damage or harm appeals to both of their weirdo boy brains. I stopped asking questions about the things that lit them up a long time ago and just accepted the help for what it is, something being taken off my plate, because we all decided that the whole point was to keep me busy and out of Kaley’s hair.

I mindlink Osiston and Alpha Reggie again to let them know what was happening, but still no response. I am actually worried now. I just don’t know if I should worry about their safety or ours.

I fired off a text to Elena letting her know what was happening too, and I completely flipped my chair over when she responded.

Elena: Hope this one gets to you. I’ve been trying to contact you for days

Me: What do you mean? I’ve messaged everyday with no response

Elena: No responses have gone through. No interruptions while I have you.

Elena: There’s a barrier on your pack, I’m sure you’ve figured that much. It is blocking your mindlink as well as most technology.

Elena: It’s not my coven’s barrier, you are prisoners right now.

Elena: We are working on our end, but I need you to find the source. There is an anchor inside your borders.

Elena: It will be near the centermost point of your pack, and with the size of the land it’s covering, it will be hard to conceal.

Elena: A pentagram with a candle in the center. The candle needs to be snuffed, but is designed to burn indefinitely. You cannot touch the pentagram or the candle, but you have to put it out.

Me: Any other cryptic instructions?

Elena: Don’t be a smartass. You will know what to do, that is half of magic, trust your gut, your instincts.

Elena: We have also found where they are keeping Gentry. Nickolas is planning a mission to try and get to her before they move again and he's going to need my help.

Elena: I will come to you as soon as I can get through. Be safe and watchful. Feel for magic around you, sense for it always, that may save your life.

“Welp. Who wants to help me with another assignment?” I look up at my friends who are just staring at me. I look around and notice, I’m still on the ground, sitting on my knees, chair toppled over.

“Uh, Midge, you kind of froze for a second. You good?” Wyatt asks.

“Nope, but when are we ever ‘good?’ Elena finally contacted me. We’re under lockdown.”

“That’s not new information.” Lil snarks behind her beer bottle.

“The magical barrier holding us in by a caster, or more likely casters, that aren’t a part of Elena and Gentry’s coven to hold us prisoner is new information though. That’s why our connection to Osiston, Nickolas and Alpha Reggie had been spotty.”

“And the new assignment has to do with that.” Nathaniel states.

I look over at Jena. “It’s a pentagram with a forever burning candle in the center.”


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