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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 483

“Whatever we do, we are running out of time. There is only two weeks until their birthday.” Mateo walks to me and wraps me in the biggest bear hug that almost crushes my rib cage, but I couldn’t care less. It is one of the best feelings in the world.

“We will figure this out Shorty, just keep fighting, never stop fighting. I’m pretty sure it’s the only way any of us are going to survive this.”

We say our goodbyes and finish running our patrols. I try to check in with Osiston and Nickolas. I get no response, but I feel like they got the message and they just can’t respond. It doesn’t feel like they are blocking me, but who knows. I hate not knowing what is going on outside the pack. It’s like we are on an island and completely cut off from the outside world. Which makes no sense since our warrior links should span across any distance.

I need to figure out how to contact Elena, there are a lot of unanswered magical questions I have and I can’t just keep using magic blindly. I’m lucky that all the guys and I have gotten were unexpected tattoos out of this protection spell. I know magic can be volatile if used incorrectly and I am not a born caster, so there has to be some limit to what I can or should be doing. It feels like a disrespect to the craft to just go about willy nilly casting when I don’t know the expected outcomes. She has a phone, but rarely uses it…or checks text messages apparently.

There are just too many obstacles right now and it is so frustrating. Jena and I head over to the training grounds. I am starting to feel like this never ending cycle might break me. We are all just going through the motions. Even training has lost its appeal, when it used to be my outlet. Lil saunters up to us.

“So, did we gain a club member? Nevermind. She does not hide her elevator eyes. The way you two look, either we did or we have ten new prisoners to question after a massive fight.” She laughs at her own joke.

“You’re an idiot.” Jena smiles. “And, yes, we got our latest club member. Now I need some sleep. Let me know if you come up with anything.”

We both nod and watch her walk away, but I notice a little more pep in her step.

Delta Kayle walks to the front of the training before we start and holds his hands up getting everyone’s attention.

“So you all know we are going to do a mock trial, something the Alpha thinks would be fun for everyone who is stuck here while we wait for word on the Rogue King…”

What does he mean ‘wait for word?’ And there isn’t really anything fun about trials. This is not Delta Kyle talking. I’m so tired of listening to puppets. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, but apparently not very quietly, because he looks right at me and pins me with a stare. But, it’s not an angry or aggressive stare. He knows why I’m huffing and he can’t talk to me through the mindlink either. Man, I really want to punch that b*tch in the face. It’s not enough she’s hijacking the whole pack, she’s gotta take every single person I care about away from me?

“Like the last two years you will run through a series of obstacles and challenges. Unlike the last two years, participation is mandatory by all pack warriors. Participants in the lowest ten percent at the end of each trial will be eliminated until there is one final winner. Our visiting Elite warriors will be setting your challenges, and I would like to remind you that many of them are warriors who placed in the top three percent of the last two trials held in this pack. They will not go easy on you…” He looks at me again, this time I know he’s trying to tell me something.

I’m half tempted to make everyone take up sign language with all this can’t mindlink crap.


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