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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 497

“We need to move you and your team back into the packhouse, Bitty. You can’t be on the other side of town. You are too close to the border too.”

“We’ve been fine and being on the border helps with patrols and checking in with Elena, Osiston and Alpha Reggie.”

Cameron scrubs his face with his hands. “What do you need us to do? Since you clearly have thought this through. I agree with Oliver, If you and Jena are targets you need to be in the center of the pack. We will get the packhouse set up to move you and your team in.”

I roll my eyes at him. “I’m just used to odd things happening to me and needing to react.” I look right at Ava. She doesn’t look away though. “I guess prepare for your dad’s celebration, go over everything with the Betas, Mike’s attack is coming we need to be ready. Ready to fight and ready for them to hold out. He’s crazy and narcissistic, but he is patient. He will wait for us to starve or fight amongst ourselves. That’s how he caught me the first time.”

“Whatever you do, keep Oliver with you at all times. I’m sure that’s not a hard ask.” He mumbles the last part, and I find I’m not angry at the jealousy. It actually gives me a sick satisfaction. “And I do want your team in the packhouse in the next forty eight hours.” He pins me with a look, daring me to argue.

I’m still pacing in front of Oliver. It’s not an unreasonable ask. It’s what I would do if the situations were reversed. I just don’t want to be there if Kaley has found a way to move herself back in. If her scent is all over our floor, I may have to move downstairs.

“Let me talk to my team. We will need a place to set up. Our surveillance is pretty extensive now and Nathaniel is going to be pissed about having to move it and reset it again.” I huff a laugh to myself.

“You can use my office, I won’t be needing it.” Ava pins me with a look. She’s meddling, trying to force me into a proximity with the twins

***”Ava, don’t do that. It’s no better than what Kevin has done with Kaley.”***

***”It wasn’t my intention. It’s yours now, anyway. Use it as you see fit.”***

She looks away from me. I won’t let her push me at the twins. Everything they said about being mates may be true, but until I’m eighteen, it’s just theories. I walk over to Lucas. He looks so peaceful, like he’s just asleep. His inky black hair the exact same shade as the twins is all disheveled, but handsomely so. Even though I can’t see them, I can picture his kind blue eyes, the feature he gave to Dakota. I lean forward to kiss him on the forehead. “I love you too.”


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