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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 498

Thank the Goddess the Elite warriors are made of strong stuff because Kaley was at least smart enough to not follow Oliver and I, but the minute we were not in her eyesight she started ripping into him. I mind linked him to apologize for leaving him with that hot mess.

“You need to move into the packhouse, Bitty. It’s important, especially now.”

“Why now?”

“I think we both know ‘why now.’ But it'll also piss off Cam and Kota if you do it because I asked.”

“I’ll think about it. There really is a lot to do and I'm not the only person to think about. We need to find that pentagram. It is huge. Robbie told us that once you step into it you become a part of the spell, your life force literally becomes a part of its power source. At least we know that none of you guys walked through the pentagram, because I think that fighting against my spell might have killed you.”

“Wait, what? You weren’t sure and you just experimented on us?”

“We didn’t know about the pentagram until after I set you and Sam free. The focus was just releasing you from the Alpha command, really, and keep you from being susceptible to more magical attacks. This is why I don’t do more than what I am told to by Elena. There are a few things she says I can play around with, but magic is no joke. And those who wield it have a responsibility. It’s kind of scary.”

“You seem to be walking better now. You all healed? And don’t lie.”

“I’m okay, still sore, but I didn’t get hit by anything but Lucas. I’m surprised he was even able to save me, being under the spell. He was ready to kill me, when you kissed me. So were the twins.”

“They knew.”

“Knew what?”

“They knew I was going to kiss you, I told them flat out I wanted to see if you could feel it. You have your warrior brand, but it’s only partial and you aren’t eighteen, but everything else has happened to you early, so it was a logical question.” He shrugs “You're my Luna and have been for at least two years. With all the sh*t you have been through and the more that I find out, the more I feel like I failed you.” He scrubs his hands over his face.

“You didn’t fail, because you didn’t know. I didn’t tell anybody because it was my problem to handle. That’s what I thought anyway.” I shrug. “And you need to keep that Luna stuff to yourself. No joking about it or teasing the twins. I don’t know how I feel about the idea. Lucas and Ava mentioned the same thing before he died. I can’t wrap my head around that with everything else right now. They called me a traitor when they had evidence that Kaley was the problem right in front of them. Like they couldn’t see or hear anything I was actually saying.”


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