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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 502

I shift to my wolf again. I can’t smell them, naturally, so I can’t tell if they are all wolves or if some of them are casters or something else entirely. Wyatt and Jorge make a wide arc and double back to try and trap them in.

***”Midge, this feels like a trap, but we haven’t come across anything yet. What the hell is going on?”***

***”No idea, but if it’s Mike, who the f*ck knows what he is thinking.”***

We all stop as one of the group approaches the lump that is Gentry. They sit her up and pull the cloth off of her head, she looks around, but it isn’t wild or frightened. She is slow and confused.

***”She’s probably drugged like Jena and I were. Oliver, we need Elena here now.”***

***”Where’s ‘here’ Bitty and when did Elena get here?”***

***”No time for talk. Elena is here. Came in with Reggie and the whole crew. We are on the mainland border. A group has Gentry, we have eyes on her and I need Elena. Move your ass.”***

***”I thought we said no more patrols for you, target! Why weren’t we notified of a threat?”***

***”Bite me Dakota, and get up here to help or stay the f*ck out of my way. THere’s your notification.”***

***”We’re coming, but you shouldn’t be on patrol. Please tell me you weren’t dumb enough to go alone at least.”***

I cut them both off, I will not be lectured.

***”When you three finally kiss and make up, remind me to be in the next pack over.”***

***”Shut up, Lillian.”***

***”I can’t wait to put a face with those flaming red cheeks.”***

***”Oscar, no.”***

***More than one as I recall.”***

***”Oscar, mission, focus.”***

The three of them keep laughing as we stalk forward. It has to be some kind of twisted, broken part of our brains that we can joke about s*x as we are heading into a hostage rescue mission.

***”Details will be needed, and if you don’t give them freely, I will enlist the help of Sierra. Nevermind, I’m going to just have her ask anyway, it will be way more fun.”***

***”I hate you, you know that?”***

***”Not a chance, you are stuck with me, Midge.”***

***”We are in position, check in.”***


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