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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 503

“Uh, yeah, but it will take time. Don’t you think we are exposed out here?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to move them until all the trackers are out. That we can at least control. We’ll just dump them here or see if Nathaniel can hijack these too and make it look like they took off as deserters. That would be best.”

“Okay,” She says to me and then looks at the group. “Does anyone else have medical training? It would be helpful to get this done quickly.” A few people raise their hands, including Jena and Lil. They are both rubbing absently at their warrior brands and I make a mental note to watch them, especially after how they looked with the spell from the bracelet. I hope I didn’t do anything to harm them

“Do your thing, I will work something out with Osiston for holding them when you’re done.” She nods and gets to work.

I walk to Osiston and the twins. I guess I should probably include them too. I’m trying to avoid talking to them as much as possible, but whatever.

“We can’t leave them here, but I also think they very well could be a plant for something else. Like a Trojan horse. I want to really check them over, but we need to get them out of here and cared for. Mike is a d*ck and no one deserves to be treated like this. Even if they chose to follow him, they didn’t sign up for this abuse. Where should we put them for now?” I look at the twins. They are the Alphas now and should be making this decision.

“Why don’t we put them at the school? The nurses office has basic first aid stuff and the kitchen can supply meals for a lot of people. We should probably expect more if this kid thinks he can just drop captives off to you.” Dakota growls. “What’s that story anyway?”

“Not now, it goes along with the eyes in the box Jena and I received. I’m going to help get Gentry loaded and then Osiston, Alpha Reggie and you guys can go over some kind of plan now that we know Mike’s close enough to drag unconscious bodies around.”

Nickolas was able to carry her to a truck one of the warriors drove up in order to take her to the pack hospital. She’s conscious at least, but that’s about all the good news. Jena made quick work of locating the trackers and teaching two other warriors how to get them out. While Jena and Lil helped patch them up after. Apparently Mike’s doctors were not super original and they were all in the back of the neck like Jena’s and mine. I did mention to Nickolas to have our docs do a full scan to make sure they were the only trackers placed.

We managed to get the twelve people left loaded into three vehicles and taken to the school. Nathaniel set up a security alarm system for the doors so we could lock them in the gym. I swear that boy has tech growing off of him. Cameron and Dakota figured that would be the best since the locker rooms are attached so they could shower and use the bathroom without having a ton of warriors on duty escorting them around.

It also gave us a chance to do a quick sweep of the school for the pentagram. It’s like trying to find Waldo in a ‘Where’s Waldo’ picture. We know it’s here, right in front of us, but no one can see it yet.


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