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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 504

“Yes, Happy Birthday Mateo. I hope your mate is strong enough to put up with you and smart enough to team up with your sister against you.” Mina laughs and Mateo smiles, then she looks back at me. “So what is this I hear about Robbie dropping off random people?”

I groan a little at her. “That is it, literally. He got our attention, by carrying Gentry in like a dead body and then he told me to keep her and the dozen extra people he brought. He told us to figure out how to free them from the binding spell, then just left.”

“That is not all he did.” Dakota growls. “He was way too comfortable with you, and if he ever gets in your face like that again, I will rip his head off.”

“Stop, he wasn’t in my face. He just got close enough to tell me something he didn’t want anyone else to hear.”

“What did he say to you?” Mina asks suspiciously. “He wasn't overly talkative.”

“Nothing relevant to this situation.” I know this conversation is not over by a long shot.

“What I want to know is why did he bring those captives to you? How did he know you wouldtake them in?” Mateo asks.

“Once they had me with Jena, they spent a lot of time figuring out who and how powerful we were. They found out I was a Beta’s kid, so Robbie probably thought I had some pull in the pack to bring in outsiders. He helped get us out and as a former captive, he probably assumed I would help others.” I shrug.

“So it’s safe to assume he’ll be coming back then?” Oliver sounds irritated now. I need these boys to find their mates and give me a break already.

“Nope, we are not doing the pissing match thing again. There is no interest there and yes if he asks for my help and we know the request is legit, I will help. I'm not dumb enough to think this is one hundred percent innocent, but like so many times before, you guys weren’t there, so you don’t get to be angry on my behalf for the situation now.”

“That’s not fair and you know it. Had you kept any kind of communication going and told us what the plan was, none of us would have let you…” Cameron stops, closes his eyes and takes a breath. “This is not about you being weak and not being able to handle hard situations. Clearly you can, you’ve apparently been designed specifically for them.” He opens his eyes. “This is about you putting yourself in harm’s way and how gut wrenching it is to witness. Or to hear about after the fact and not being able to do what we're designed for, to protect our pack members. Which you are one of huge importance.”

I roll my eyes, but let it go. He had a decent save catching his misogynistic comment. I am tired and just want to hang with my friends a little longer in this kind of comfort.

Jena stands next to me, “I’m going to grab one more, do you want one?” She looks at me then Lil.

“I’ll take one.” Lil says as I shake my head. I never really got the appeal of beer.

Jena grabs both of our bottles and starts to head between Mateo and Oliver’s chairs. Somehow she manages to trip, toss the bottles onto the grass behind them and land with a hand on each of their shoulders.

Mateo’s growl rips through the backyard. “DO NOT TOUCH MY MATE!”

“What are you…” She starts, but then grabs her arm. “SKYLAR! IT BURNS!” She turns to me, shaking her arm.

“Oh sh*t! Sierra, it’s just like Mina! Do you remember what your mom did? Wyatt, go get Elena, we need help. Her brand is burning off.” I run for Jena and kind of throw her in Mateo’s lap. As far as I’m concerned that’s the best place for her. He should be calm-ish and his presence will help her.


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