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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 508

“Like I said, I need you too.” We all hop in and Cameron takes off. “I have been doing research with my dad since I have been gone. My mom has been trying to figure out your abilities and what has been happening with the warrior brands breaking. But, when I told them about what I was noticing in your pack my dad started looking into magic from the practical side. Totems, plants, stones, crystals, all of that stuff. He was helping to look for Gentry when he came across herbs that can be used for mind control and make people susceptible to suggestion.”

She stops to take a breath. “Okay, I think I’m following you, but what has you so excited now?”

“Well we came across a spell that sounds like the one that Mike was using on his warriors. There’s this star and each point is made up of different plants and then a spell is cast,” She waves her hand dismissively like that part doesn’t matter. “Then a candle is lit and another spell is said to keep it burning in the center of the star.”

“Well, that sounds an awful lot like this f*cking pentagram we have been looking for. Did you and your dad figure out where it is or what plants were used?” Oliver asks next to her.

“That’s the thing, you guys have looked everywhere, for this candle and pentagram, even used Nathaniel’s heat sensors, but what if the pentagram isn’t small at all, what if it is so large it’s easy to miss?”

“What do you mean? How does something big go unnoticed?”

“If it’s literally a part of the pack lands.” Her eyes widen and sparkle.

We pull up to the packhouse and she literally pushes everyone out. Then we are all running toward the Luna’s office.

“NATHANIEL!” She yells his name down the hallway like she did mine. He comes blasting out of his office ready for a fight. “I need you! Can you get me eyes on the pack borders in very specific locations?”

He looks at her with a ‘duh’ expression.

And I need a paper map of the pack grounds.” She looks around at all of us. I move to one of the side tables to grab the most recent one we have.

“Okay, can you get me eyes on this spot here?” She points to a spot on the map that is the Easternmost edge of the island. Nathaniel pulls it up easily. “YES!! I knew it.” She circles the spot on the map. “Okay, now this spot. She points to another spot. He repeated the process again and again until there were five circles on the map evenly spaced. We all just keep watching her as she progresses through whatever it is that she is doing with Nathaniel and the search through the pack.


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