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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 509

I had to sit down. I went to find a chair, but I was so distracted, by everything, I almost missed and hands had to guide me down. Sierra isn’t wrong, no matter how far-fetched all of this sounds, those are all elements that are in the book Elena gave me to know well and be aware of. They have healing properties for those who know how to use them, but their evil properties are what they are known for and many are used in spells for controlling the mind. Poor Alpha Lucas didn’t stand a chance. And to think he also made a deal he thought he would never have to fulfill to save his mate and pups, not knowing he was betting my life.

There are so many signs that all of this is connected, I might actually be their mate and I don’t know if I even want to be Luna or to be with them after everything that has gone down. But this witch knew what she was asking Lucas for and my life has been miserable because of it. I need to talk to Elena and Gentry about her, see what they know. I just wonder if this witch is working with the Rogue King or if she is another problem that I have to worry about and they are both coming at me at the same time.

Then, I think if I am the twin's mate and I don’t accept them, none of us will gain our full powers, which could harm the pack and my wolf only wants her mates. I couldn’t do that to them and the pack. Being responsible for putting all of those lives in danger. I don’t know what to do.

“Hey, Bitty. We need you to check in with us here. You went somewhere in your head again and I don’t think the Alphas are going to let me get away with kissing you to get you out of it, although it seems to be effective.” He gruffly laughs at his own joke. I look at him and smile, only half seeing him, but I get what he’s trying to do. My brain is all over the place and I’m struggling to focus on any one thought.

“There is a lot going on and I think I only caught some of it. What are you guys talking about?” Dakota asks, squeezing my shoulder and I laugh a bit, for being the leaders of this pack so many people have left them out of things. I told them about the prophecy Reggie told me. I’m not ready to go down the rabbit hole their parents sent me on a couple days ago, if they haven’t already been told that version. I imply there is a witch, most likely, working with the Rogue King and that with my connection to the Royal family and showing signs of multiple extra abilities he thinks I’m the one the Rogue King is after. This much I think they know, or have at least figured out with the little they have been told, but it’s worth clarifying.

“The spell that was created on the pack lands, controlling your dad and you guys to different degrees is not just some small thing for us to deal with. It is literally the whole pack. What I am curious about is the fact that we were told not to enter the pentagram or touch it. Well, we walked right in unknowingly, so how come some pack members were affected, but not all and my team hasn’t had any problems? I don’t think the spell was completed before we got here. We all saw the change in Lucas and Kyle and even you guys.” I look at Cam and Kota. “It was gradual, I don’t think I really noticed until the night you all accused me of betraying the pack in the Alpha’s office even looking right at concrete evidence to the contrary.” They both winced. “And why was Oliver and Sam basically spared from the effects?”


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