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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 527

“Elena and Gentry both started their chanting. I have no idea what they were saying, but it sounded a little like singing. There was a ton of wind, your ponytail actually wrapped around your neck for a little while, I thought you were choking at one point. You kept trying to move, but Gentry told us to keep you in the circle but you fought like hell. Now I know why Elena and Gentry wanted all three of us near you.” His voice is deep and smooth like his honey scent, but it is gravelly too, like maybe he hasn’t slept.

“What!?” I blink my eyes open slowly. The bright white room blinds me for a second. I can't see anything. “I don’t remember fighting anything. The magic held me to the ground, I couldn’t move my feet.” I grumble, why does my throat hurt so badly?

“Yeah, well I’m glad that you had it nice and easy. I forgot how much it sucks to go up against you on a training day. What the f*ck do they give you at your training camp, steroids?! I don’t even think Cam has ever dislocated my shoulder in a fight and you did just by trying to get your arm free.”

“What!?” Apparently that is all I can say in response to their comments. I cleared my throat, “I was watching the purple magic and then this gold stuff started floating around. I remember my whole body was in pain…I grabbed your arms cause Gentry told me not to move! Everything hurt so bad though, it was like being electrocuted” I can feel my eyebrows scrunch at the thought. Some things are coming back to me.

“You saw the magic?” Cam sounds surprised maybe.

“Yeah. If I concentrate I can see some magic. It was like a purple mist on the wolfsbane. The flowers looked like they were lit up, maybe it was to draw people in, maybe that’s how people get sucked into the magic that Mike is using. It was pretty and looked harmless. Then there was this gold light that swirled around, I think that came from Gentry and then it was like the magic on the plants got angry and everything turned red and…” Then it hits me the memory of being restrained and held down, the cuffs around my wrists. I couldn’t move or get away. I can’t breathe and my vision starts to fade again.

“Bitty? Hey Bit, what’s going on?”



I’m wrapped up in someone's arms. “Talk to us. What happened Tiny?” I shake my head ‘no’ I can’t talk about it, I don’t want to think about it ever again. I can’t do this release thing if it’s just going to throw me into my worst memories every time. The scratchy sheets rustle as I’m adjusted into a lap. Strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me back to a chest.

I feel breath on my ear, then pressure on the other side of my head and squeeze of my hand. Then someone has my face gently between fingers and I feel a touch on my forehead. All three of them are in my space. I can smell them all

“Tell us. What happened when the magic got angry. It sent you somewhere in your head. It had some kind of defense. We need to know so we can deal with it better next time.”


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