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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 528

“You know about me being whipped and the scars it left…”

“Details, Tiny. We want to know every detail about your worst moments. Share the pain with you now when you remember because we weren’t there for you when it happened.” He buries his nose in my neck again and tightens his hold on my waist.

“It’s going to be hard, Bitty, but that’s okay we are all here for you, let it all out. The sadness, the anger, everything.”

I can’t find it in me to be stubborn and hold it in anymore. They asked for it.

“You better get comfortable, this is not a fun story.” Oliver and Dakota move to sit on the sides of my hospital bed. Cam stays behind me but shifts to sit a little higher so the other two fit. The errant thought that these guys are so big, I don’t know how all four of us are in the bed together runs through my head until I see Dakota’s wrist. I reach for it and he lets me touch him gently. The marks are red, but they don’t look angry or painful. More like a stain on his tanned skin.

“They don’t hurt anymore, but the marks don’t seem to want to go away.” He pushed his long sleeves back and I can see more trailing up his arms. These are the marks I got when I was first imprisoned with Mike and kept hurting myself trying to get out of the shackles. “Your marks look like my injuries when I first got captured by Mike.” I sob and tell them about being beaten and chained up with Jena and desperately trying to get free. They all keep their thoughts to themselves and just listen. “Can I see your back?” I look at Oliver. He doesn’t even hesitate to turn and pull his shirt up. I see the same red stains on his back that match my whip scars. “Those are from Kaley and two guys, I couldn’t smell them so I don’t know if they are pack or not. All because of not giving her answers to a test and standing near you guys because I had a question for Mateo.” More tears, but I don’t stop. They want this pain, they can have it. I looked behind me at Cam and took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

“NO!” he whisper yells into my ear. “You said he didn’t touch you.”

“The question you asked implied if he had sex with me or touched me sexually. The answer is still no. I was too unpleasant to look at I guess, I don’t know. He did not have sex with me or do anything sexual to me. He did seem to have a thing for forcing me to watch him take Jena repeatedly. He always took her from behind so he could stand and didn’t have to sit or kneel on the floor and he couldn’t wrap his hand around her neck like that so he wrapped his hand around mine instead. He liked to hit during sex so he hit us both. I think we were lucky to be chained the way we were, we didn’t have the range to hit each other, otherwise he probably would have gotten off on that too.” I take another deep breath and sigh it out. I don’t feel lighter or better, but I also feel hollow after telling them. Maybe it’s a step in the right direction.

“Thank you.” They said in tandem. Do they even realize they are doing that?

“What did the healers say about me leaving? I hate being in the hospital, I want to go home.”

“You need to rest, Bitty.”

“Yeah, I think you forgot who you are talking to. Rest is not really a thing I do.”

“It’s not happening, TIny. Not until they release you.”

“I want to talk to Elena and Gentry.”

“No, they said you should rest too, Smalls.”

“Apparently I can beat all three of you, do you really want to have this fight? Get me Elena and Gentry and I will stay in this bed. If you don’t I will get up and walk right out that door and go find them myself. Better yet, don’t bother. I will put my team on it.”


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