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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 555

Dakota goes to move but I stop him again. “Wait, we don’t know what happened. We can’t just blindly walk around. There could be traps or guards that aren’t friendly if things didn’t go our way.”

“What are you thinking, Tiny?”

“It’s obviously been long enough that there isn’t someone standing watch. I’m actually hoping that’s a good thing.”

“You’re thinking that if our side somehow lost they would have put a guard here.” Cam’s following my train of thought.

“Yes, but there are plenty of places around here to hide out too, so we can’t be too comfortable either.”

“You’d think one of your team would be here too. They are more protective of you than we are.” Oliver smiles at me.

“I know my team and they wouldn’t leave us without some kind of protection or overwatch. Nathaniel knows we’re out, but the question is, do we sit here and wait or head towards the packhouse? We don’t know what’s happened or what could still be going on. If we leave this spot will we be putting others in danger?”

“Can you still link them now that your warrior link is gone and you are marked?” Dakota asks.

“I don’t know, I didn’t even think to try.” I take a deep breath and feel for that link in my head. I can feel Jena, but that might be because she’s mated to my brother and a part of my pack now. I search deeper for Lil, Nathaniel and Wyatt. I’m nervous as I search for them and almost give up, but then I get it. A spark, that little light that lets me know Lil is there trying to push through. I reach for it in my mind and tug.

***”Oh sh*t, Midge!!! Where the f*ck have you four been?”***

***”We didn’t go anywhere. We got locked in that tornado thing and it took us a little bit to get out.”***

***”Uh, no. Your windstorm took off with you like Dorothy. You’ve been gone for weeks.”***

“Lil, says we’ve been gone for weeks.” A chorus of expletives come from all my guys.

***”Where are you guys? Is it safe for us to head to you?”***

***”Yeah, we’re good. Lots to tell you. We’re all at the packhouse, everyone’s gonna be so excited to see you.”***

***”We’re on our way.”***


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