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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 556

“We didn’t move. Or at least I don’t think we moved.” Cam says sitting down on a long bench and pullin me onto his lap. I will probably never sit in my own chair ever again.

“Yeah, nothing changed for us, we were just trapped in the funnel.” Dakota adds sitting next to us.

“We had a few things to figure out before the magic that was trapping us would let us go. How long were we actually in there? Lil said ‘weeks.’ How many exactly? And what’s been going on since we went in.” Oliver asks, sitting on my other side.

“Shorty’s birthday is in three days.” Mateo looks at all of us.

I gasp and look at my guys. We’ve been in there for almost a month. What the hell? “It felt like hours to us. That’s crazy.”

“That explains why I’m starving now.” Dakota laughs at me, then stands. “You want anything Sweetness?” He asks, grazing my cheek with the back of his knuckles.

“Umm, Yes, please.”

“That’s so weird to watch.” I look over to Nathaniel, my confusion is probably clear on my face. “You’re letting someone do something for you and not fighting them. It’s just weird.”

All of our friends laugh and I join in, he’s not wrong.

“I like it when you blush Bitty.” Oliver whispers in my ear and grabs my hand.

“We’ll have to find other ways to make her blush.” Cam mutters back and I just shake my head.


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