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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 557

We head inside and I move towards the stairs and an arm wraps around my waist.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Dakota growls in my ear.

“Upstairs.” I point over my shoulder.

“Not that way, Smalls. This way.” He throws me over his shoulder and walks to the back of the staircase and we meet up with Cam and Oliver at the elevator.

“I thought you said you weren’t ready to go up there.” I try to look at them, but Dakota isn’t putting me down for anything.

“We said we were waiting for our mate, or I guess mates. Now it’s the only place any of us are going to sleep.”


“Don’t worry Bitty. We just want to sleep tonight, apparently a lot has happened and we haven’t slept for almost a month.”

“Sleeping is all that is happening tonight.” Cam finished Oliver’s thought.

“You are all doing the twin thing now.” I grumble propping my elbow on Dakota's back. “Well, I guess it’s a triplet thing now. I wonder why you weren’t triplets to begin with. You have all always looked very similar.”

“I think one of us needed the Gamma instinct or none of us would have been good enough to keep you close.” Cam caresses my face the same way Dakota did earlier. I love the way that they are all touchy feely, but it’s also very overwhelming. I have not had this much physical contact with anyone, ever, outside of training. Even when Jena and I basically lived attached at the hip.

I can already feel how attached to them I am. There’s no way I could separate from all of them for any length of time. The mate bond is so immediate. I wonder if it works the same for mates who didn’t know each other before. Like with Jena and Mateo. She resisted him, but I thought that was more due to her experience with Mike, but maybe she was resisting being with a stranger. I have at least known all of these guys my whole life.

We make it up to the Alpha suite and Dakota lets me down in front of him and turns me around to face the entryway. It’s just like I remember. The soft chairs positioned in front of a fireplace and the floor to ceiling bookshelves. The fireplace isn’t lit this time, but it is just as beautiful as I remember it.

Dakota sets me down as we move to the right towards the bedroom and bathroom. “You can shower first, I think mom moved all your things up here before we went into the tornado. If we have been gone a month, I can imagine all of our stuff is up here. She likes to reorganize when she worries.” He walks me through the bathroom and opens the massive closet to reveal exactly what he predicted. Women’s clothes lined one whole side of the closet and mens clothes lined the other.

“I knew she like you more than any of us.” Cam laughs. “There’s three of us and she has us sharing one side of the closet.”


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