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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 573

“We have a problem.” My dad grumbles, “And it can’t wait.”

“Someone had better be dying!” Dakota almost yells at him.

“Possibly. We don’t know what’s happening, but we think Skylar, Gentry and Elena should go together. Which means all eight of us are going to need to move. Now.” My dad says.

“Eight?” I question doing the mental math. “What happened that we need to go and our mates need to be present?”

“You act like we would let you go anywhere near something so magically bad that all three of you would be needed without us.” Dakota grumbles in my ear.

I roll my eyes and ignore him. “We have done magic so many times together, what’s changed?” I try to move, but Dakota won’t let me go. I turn awkwardly in his arms, hold his face between my hands and look him in the eyes. “Dakota, I know that you want to protect me, but I need to stand next to you, on my own two feet. I promise, I won’t be more than a couple feet from any of you and I will hear you if you tell me your instincts say it isn’t safe. I need you to treat me like an equal right now, okay.” He leans his forehead into mine, takes a deep breath and then lets me down without any words, but keeps me right in front of him. I’m sure if he opened his mouth a whole string of profanities would come out. But, he’s doing his best to treat me like an Alpha, not a weak female mate.

I turn toward my dad. “What happened?”

“Mike is glowing.”

“I’m sorry , what?!” Cam steps up next to me, lacing our fingers. “What do you mean glowing?”

“I thought his wolf and whatever magic was being controlled.” Oliver clarifies.

“That’s all I know. Our warriors just let me know he started to glow and radiate a purple light about twenty minutes ago. No one knows what it means, but it’s Mike so we naturally assume it’s magic. We don’t know if it’s his magic or his mother’s, because his should be suppressed. But we have no idea what Adrielle has done to him or herself at this point. I really don’t want any of you anywhere near him, my gut tells me this is a ploy to get to you, but Elena and Gentry have insisted. As a Beta, my instinct is to protect the Alphas but let them do their jobs, as a father I have two kids at risk here, but I also know that none of you are going to stand by and just let things happen. So we are going to go cautiously. Nathaniel has a timeline for us, but there isn’t much to go on. He will fill you in on the drive out, he has our eyes active everywhere and we have added patrols.””


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