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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 574

***”’We’ my ass.”*** My wolf grumbles in my head and I can feel that my mates think the same, but they are keeping their tempers under control for now.

I just keep my mouth shut. He needs to let us know what he wants and I won’t be drawn into a conversation with him, which is probably what he wants. He like the sound of his own voice and I am content just letting him sit here and burn.

He’s skinnier than the last time I saw him, cheeks shallow and eyes sunk, but he looks just as smug as ever, like he isn’t dying slowly.

“I see that you are admiring my new look. Impressive, wouldn’t you say. I’m sure your Alpha stand-ins are envious of the power that I possess and all that I will obtain when you are completely mine.”

I hear a huff behind me, but Mike doesn’t react so he either doesn’t hear it or is so full of himself he’s not going to give it his time. He thinks he’s in control, but he’s the one locked in the cage.

I take in an audible breath and roll my eyes, letting him know I am not impressed and he needs to get to his point. He clearly chose to light up in purple flames now to get our attention, he has is and will try to milk this a bask in it for as long as possible.


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