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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 575

“Sky, babe, you need to let us get closer so we can help.”*** Oliver tries reasoning with me.

***”No! I don’t know how far his reach is, but with the shackles his wolf and powers can’t be used, I’m sure of it. I will not take a chance that she can kill you using him.”***

Another ripple of growls behind me.

“Good to see you keep them on a tight leash. When you stand with us and lead our armies, it will be good to have so much control for so little effort. Binding them to us was such an exhausting chore. You do it so effortlessly with the flick of a wrist.” Mike’s mouth moves with a strange voice. It doesn’t sound male or female, so I can’t be sure it’s Adrielle, but there isn’t any other person with the skills to pull this off.

I look down at my hands. One is balled at my side, I can feel the fingernails leaving marks in my palm. But the other is open and my palm is facing behind me. I don’t even remember doing that. Now that I am aware though, I can feel the power flow from my fingertips. It’s the same lava flow that I feel coursing through my body, but this is steady and slow, calm and controlled. It is my fire protecting the most important people in my world.

I don’t know why I feel compelled to search for the real person in there, but I have to know if Mike is still in there or if he is completely gone.

“You never wanted this. And you will be discarded just like I will be once we’ve been used for our purpose. Adrielle doesn’t want you, but she needs you to get what she wants. Don’t give her what she wants. Fight her, Mike.”

He just stares at me, the purple fire blazing in his eyes. His sneer of a smile stays in place. He just tilts his head side to side, like he is considering me. Then his lip curls in an evil look. Mike’s gone, and there’s no getting him back. I stand my ground ready for something to happen. Mike has no control and Adrielle can’t be stable.


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