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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 597

My jaw dropped at her blatant command for me to leave something alone. I know she means well and I have no intention of going anywhere right now, even if my mates would allow it. She just knows me that well and I hate leaving things unfinished. Just another one of my fatal flaws.

“Well, I guess I know what we are doing in the morning then.” I look at my guys to see if any of them have a problem with the plan. They all just nod. Since we are on lock down, there isn’t much anyone is going to allow us to do

We sat outside for a while just talking with everyone. Just like dinner with Ava and Brett, it felt so normal and I never realized how much I craved ‘normal.’ I lean back into Oliver’s chest, talking and laughing with our friends. Dakota has not let go of my ankle, just rubbing circles up my calf and Cam has been playing with the fingers of my left hand. Everything has been so gentle and light, but the message is clear, they want me and are making sure I know it. They are just waiting for any sign from me to go back upstairs and continue getting to know each other on a deeper level.

I can feel Olilver starting to get antsy under me, his length is pressing into my butt and I know it has to be uncomfortable. Dakota’s hands are actually sweaty, but he keeps contact with me, now gliding his palm up and down my whole leg, being a little less subtle about what he wants. Cam seems to be the only one who is in control of his outward actions, although I can feel his inner desire amping up just like the other two and I know I shouldn’t torture them, but I keep the conversation going for a while longer, until it just feels mean to keep teasing them. They are doing their best to not tear me away from my friends, knowing what these connections mean to me.

I finally start to feel tired and it only takes a look to Oliver and he scoops me up wordlessly and my girlfriends giggle as we all but run through the house towards the elevator. I can feel how close the twins are behind me. Oliver shifts me as we step through the elevator doors so I am facing him, arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He is holding each of my butt cheeks in his large hands and pressing me into him so I can feel exactly what I’m doing to him. I let out a little gasp as he shifts my hips to rub my core up against him and I love the sensation that shoots through me.

“Do you like that, baby?” I just nod, not breaking eye contact.

“He needs words, Love.” Cam growls right against the shell of my left ear as he slides his hand up the center of my stomach, but he doesn’t grab my boob like I thought he would, he keeps going until his fingers settle around the top of my throat, turning my chin towards his face so I can kiss him. I whimper into the kiss and again when he pulls away. “Tell him what you like or he’s going to stop.”

Oliver tilts my hips again and he just pulls random incoherent sounds out of me, but Cam won’t let go of my face to look over at him. “I love that.”

“He’s going to need you to be really specific, Sweetness.” Dakota runs his nose in my hair at the base of my skull. They are so overwhelming like this and I love it and can’t focus on anything all at the same time.

“I..I like it…when all of you touch me like this. It kind of scrambles my brain.” Oliver rubs me against him again. “Oh, f*ck! Yes, that feels so good.” I let my head rest in Cam’s hand, letting my eyes close so I can focus on feeling.

“Can you handle more, Sweetness?”

“Yes, please.”

Chapter 0597 1

Chapter 0597 2

Chapter 0597 3


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