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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 598

The shower was actually just a shower and I don’t know if I was more happy or disappointed about that. They each took their turn washing every single inch of me and I love this side of them, the side just for me. Cam wrapped me in a towel and then led me out into the room. Dakota and Oliver came out before us and had the comforter pulled back and ready for all of us and a t-shirt was laying out for me...only a t-shirt. I guess I should have expected this once we mated, I will probably wear very little clothing when we are up here.

I climb in between Cam and Oliver, leaning over Cam to kiss Dakota goodnight before doing the same to him. Then I turn around to kiss Oliver as Cam pulls my back into his chest. I fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up before the guys for the first time in forever. This feels like old times. The faint light of dawn breaks through the large windows. As Oliver so eloquently explained, I flopped over the guys and ended up in Dakota’s arms on the complete opposite side of the bed. The benefit of this is that Dakota seems to be hoarding me and I am on the outside instead of being sandwiched between two of them.

I wiggle out as slowly as I can, handle my bathroom business and head straight to the cozy seats in the library area. I don’t even remember the last time I just sat down and read a book for fun and I guess now is as good a time as any since we can’t go anywhere beyond the training grounds. I would love to run a patrol and really get a feel for what my senses and powers can do now that I am mated. I figured out yesterday that I am faster, but how much faster? I have always been strong for my size, but I want to be able to measure it. And the magic, I need to test what my magic is like now that I am different both physically and emotionally.

I am too wound up to really focus on anything specific. I tried a romance novel, but it was a slow start and it doesn’t match my mood. I found a murder mystery, but it wasn’t what my brains wanted. As I was putting that back on the shelf I noticed an old green leather bound book.

Chapter 0598 1

Chapter 0598 2


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