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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 603

“I was talking to your Alphas child, do not interrupt. You aren’t here under the arm of the Alpha King. Things work differently out here in the real world.”

Oliver growls in his chest behind me. I reach back and grab his hand to calm him down. ***”He’s trying to goad us. Stay calm and talk very little. He likes to have control, by riling people up and getting them to react. He can’t fight well and his warriors are poorly trained.”*** I told all three of my mates. Oliver squeezes my fingertips, letting me know he understands.

“What do you want, Alpha Brecc? We are clearly not available to entertain.” Cam asks. He’s always been the better peacekeeper. It used to make me angry when he would do it to placate Kaley and Kevin, but I can see how having a level head and appearing indifferent will come in handy.

Brecc shifts his focus and I can see the wheels turning in his head as he takes in the three massive guys behind me. They are clearly making a statement in their usual positions around me, but he seems confused.

“Charlene, I believe you said the new Alpha’s of Blue Crescent were twins, not triplets. That is a detail I would have remembered. It’s not common.” He looks over at his shoulder and I see her step out of the shadows of their warriors to take her place, not at his side, but just behind his right shoulder. I have to smile at the idea that she wants power, but at the same time will take a back seat to an overbearing Alpha with a superiority complex.

“That is the information the little blonde mouse gave me when we spoke last. She did say that they had a less than worthy mate. I can see she was at least half right.” Charlene smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. I think she’s trying to intimidate me, but she just looks like she’s in pain.

I roll my eyes in response.

Chapter 0603 1


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