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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 604

I’m not sure if Alpha Brecc has caught on, but they are all in a strategic position. Our little tent city is two rows running perpendicular to the forest and Brecc made his entrance at one end, very dramatically. Each tent has at least two of our warriors standing in it as we all talk near the center of the row. Each of them can have his group surrounded in a blink if needed.

***”I need a status update from the area surrounding the camp. Does Alpha Brecc have any more warriors hiding out? You probably won’t be able to scent them, you’re going to need to get a visual confirmation.”*** All the patrol warriors let me know they heard me and we get a running check in as they scour the area surrounding us.

“Daddy, I’m sure the Alphas would be more comfortable if we sat down and negotiated with some refreshments. I know alliance treaties can take such a long time to make sure everyone gets what they want.” She places her hand on his shoulder. “Where are your Alpha quarters? I’m sure Skylar could get something whipped up for her Alphas in no time. I would love a chance to get to know you all better. Miss Cunningham said that you are all very handsome, but I don’t think her description did any of you justice.” She walks over and links her arm with Cam’s. It’s all I can do to hold still. I can’t risk anyone getting hurt because she’s flirting with him. She’s not wrong, they are hot and I’m sure other women will flirt, so I am going to have to figure out how to handle jealousy without starting a fight, at least initially.

“That sounds like a great idea my dear, see Alphas, she’s already taking to her Luna duties, caring for the Alphas that are important to her. It’s just a natural instinct.”

I roll my eyes. “No.”

“NO? You refuse to serve your Alphas, your superiors? How dare you? You are just a Beta warrior. You are lucky they are letting you stand in front of them, let alone anywhere near them.” Brecc snarls at me, letting his ‘nice neighbor’ act slip. “You are not worthy of being their Luna, step aside and let the superior ranks handle things.”

Chapter 0604 1


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