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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 605

“Oh, that is so wonderful how you care for everyone, I can’t wait to be your Luna.” She looks at Cam like she might jump on him again, but moves for Oliver behind me instead. He pushes her away, I can hear the scuffle. I want to turn around, but my instinct tells me that Brecc is the bigger threat and I don’t want to turn my back to him.

Dakota grabs her by the shoulders and holds her out in front of him. “We don’t want a Luna. Do neither of you listen? We have our Alpha mate. Our female Alpha. Now, we have other matters to handle within our pack. Please see yourselves out the way you came in.” Dakota shoves her enough that she moves a few feet back from him.

“But I am prepared to bear your pups. That little thing probably couldn’t carry pups as big and strong as yours will be.” She flicks her fingers at me and my wolf growls. “I don’t even mind being shared. I would let you claim me right here, if that’s what you wanted. I bet with three of you, someone is always watching.” She smiles a little maniacally as she starts to pull up the skirt of her dress like she would bend over for them here, even in front of her dad.

That’s when I lose it. This b*tch has gone too far. She can stupidly flirt while insulting me. I could give two sh*ts about it. I know they don’t want her, but now she is disrespecting everything that being a mate stands for. The intimacy that goes with being a mate is not shared with other people and she is trying to literally offer up her p*ssy to them in front of me and everyone here. I lunge and send her flying into one of the tents making it collapse completely on her.

“I don’t share, go find your own Goddess given mate and quit trying to take mates that don’t belong to you.” I snarl out at the pile of canvas she’s wrapped up in and let my Alpha aura out for good measure.

Brecc looks at me astonished and angry. “You attacked a ranked member of my pack, now it is war you will get.” He lunges at me and all hell breaks loose in the camp.

I hear as all the wolves around me engage, but I only have eyes for this weak ass Alpha in front of me. He misses as I easily step aside and let his over enthusiastic lunge send him flying right on past. He turns, but it’s like everything is in slow motion for me. I can see him take a breath and decide where he’s going to attack me next.

***”Why is everyone so slow?”*** Dakota asks.

***”I don’t think they are slow, I think we are faster.”***

***”It’s kind of messing with my head, like in a dream where you can’t force your body to move but your brain is on hyper speed and can see what’s going to happen before it does and there isn’t anything you can do about it.”*** Is he laughing?

***”Well our element powers work at our speed, that’s for sure.”*** Oliver says, launching a clod of dirt across the camp to hit an Irontooth warrior in the back of the head as he goes for Lil.

***”I’m just impressed that we can have an analyzing conversation while in the middle of the fight. Are we keeping Brecc and his daughter alive, Love? You know them better than us. Would he have information we could use?”***

***”I actually don’t know them well at all. I only had a couple of interactions at the palace. That would be better suited for Osiston or Reggie.”***


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