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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 623

***”Last week, but how did you know that I had it?”***

***”Your scent has changed. I noticed earlier, but I thought maybe it was just being around everyone and all the hormone stuff going on with me finding my mates, but I can still smell the difference now.”***

***”What are you saying Skylar?”*** She slowly sinks down on her haunches next to me.

***”That I have a suspicion and you need to be careful in here and not give them a reason to harm you unnecessarily or use you and my niece or nephew as bait. The other girls didn’t say anything and I assume Sam hasn’t either, meaning it’s really early and I can tell because I’m your Alpha or because my sense of smell has always been more intense. It shouldn’t be a problem in there, but all this is new for me too. I just didn’t want you to go in there and not know, just in case someone we come across has the same senses as me.” She leans into me, tucking her furry head under my wolf’s chin, which only works in this form since we are closer to the same size. “We should tell the girls too.”***

***”No! They’ll just worry more, and I am kind of freaking out enough for everyone right now.”***

***”That’s kind of the point. We are all important and necessary, not just me. You are currently carrying our future. We can’t have secrets, that will only give them ammunition to use against us. Let’s go get this over with so we have a future to be in.”***

***”Are you two coming or not?”*** Lil finally gets through to me.

***”Yep, we have an amendment to the plan.”***

Chapter 0623 1


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