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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 630

***”I’m getting Halloween vibes right now, Midge. What’s with the orange and black smoke?”*** Lil asks.

***”At this point I am going to trust the magic that’s helping us out and I will sit down and have it explain all the nuances to us later. I think I remember from the color clearing though that orange gave strength and a bunch of stuff like that and black was definitely protection.”***

***”I will take both and thank the magic for me. We should name your magic since we seem to think of it as another sentient part of you.” Jena laughs. “It’s like you have another person in there with you and your wolf. We can’t just keep saying ‘it’ when we mention it.”***

I never thought of that, but she’s right. I have started talking about my magic like I talk about my wolf.

***”Do you have a suggestion?”*** I ask, this time dodging a rogue wolf coming at me. This one easily went down with a broken neck. They shouldn’t be this easy to take out. Especially with the numbers they have.

***”STEVE!”*** Lil shouts at us.

***”Why ‘Steve?’ Where the hell did that come from?”*** Jena asks as her wolf takes another chunk out of Vincent’s arm. At this point he is just going to bleed to death fighting us.

***”Well, apparently Steve likes his name cause Skylar is on fire, literally.”*** Sierra laughs at me.

***”OH SH*T! Go run a few of these random f*ckers over. You are seriously a fireball!”*** Lil shouts at me.

With the four of us in our wolf form the odds are so much better in our favor. I can feel the spike of adrenaline coursing through our veins. This is like old times, Working off each other's strengths and using every moment of opportunity to drive a damaging blow to the most vulnerable spot. He still hasn’t shifted, we are tearing into his skin with our teeth and claws and he won’t or can’t shift. I’m not going to feel bad about it though. He chose to be this petty, greedy person instead and now he’s paying the price.

We are moving too fast with the magic protecting us. He is trying to keep up, but can’t focus on all four of us at the same time and it is making him outwardly frustrated. I feel like I have endless energy and he is just getting weaker and weaker with each blow. There are still plenty of sounds around us. I wonder if reinforcements came in. Everything is moving so fast and yet so slow all at the same time. I don’t dare look even though every fiber of my being wants me to force my wolf’s eyes just enough for me to see my mates are alright. I can feel them, I know they are fine, but I can at least sympathize with their being angry earlier. I hate this feeling. The pull to constantly check on them is very overwhelming and irritating. I can feel them, I don’t need to be stuck to their asses twenty four seven. I need to add that to the list of things the Moon Goddess and I talk about.

We continue biting and slashing and finally get him to his knees. Sierra has one arm, Lil the other in their mouths, he’s too weak to fight us anymore. I don’t believe for a second he’s given up though. He’s gone to so much trouble to get here, I don’t think stopping is an option. We are all panting and covered in dirt from rolling around and being thrown around. Even without shifting he has been able to withstand the four of us and the rest of his wolves have been keeping our guys busy.

Chapter 0630 1

Chapter 0630 2


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