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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 631

NO! I don’t even know what happened to me. It’s like my body and mind separated. The absolute feeling of despair, hopelessness, hatred, anger, defeat all licked up my insides like a white hot flame. While we were here distracted, someone or something else attacked our home. All the people waiting for us to bring some level of good news, where are they? Are they safe? Did they see it coming and get to safety?? Are the people we are holding prisoner safe? I didn’t want them to die fighting for another person’s obsession. I know I am breathing heavily, but I can’t gain control over myself, I can’t hear my wolf talking to me if she’s trying. I’m drowning.

My chest is caving in and I know I am breathing, but my vision is lined in red. I will destroy these rogues and everything they love for what they have done and are doing to my pack. I let out a scream and a wave of energy blasts out from around me. My vision goes black for a moment.

Thick arms wrap around me from behind. I can feel the tingles run up my skin, I know they are supposed to calm me down, but it’s not working this time. I am pulled back into a hard chest and I can feel breath on the back of my neck. Another set of hands grabs my cheeks. Again, I feel tingles, but I am so lost in my destructive thoughts, I can’t for the life of me figure out who has me. I do know that my legs are noodles, I don’t think I could stand if I wasn't being held up.

Wait! I know someone is holding me up. I’m in my human form, how did that happen? When did that happen? Someone is talking to me, but it’s like speaking underwater; muffled, incoherent sounds. I still can’t focus my eyes on anything but the plume of smoke eating what may be left of my home. I need to move, we need to move. Why am I trapped? My body isn’t following instructions.

I think I am telling my body to move, but I don’t seem to be going anywhere. Then heat trickles down my body like slow lava, from the top of my head, through my fingertips and to my toes, thawing out whatever had frozen me in place. I gasp and feel the needed air fill my lungs.

“Bitty, Baby, focus. Focus on us. Come back to us, we need you.”

“Sweetness, come on, we’ve got you. Don’t try to do this alone.”

“Tiny, Love, we’re here, always here. Breathe, Love, just breathe.”

An electric jolt snaps me back into my body and I look around. My mates are surrounding me. Cam has me bundled in his arms from behind, Dakota to my right and Oliver to my left. They all have their foreheads pressed to my head, speaking to me softly and it’s enough to break me out of my panic. I feel the tears running down my face.

“Can you turn it off baby? I think you got everyone here.” Oliver doesn’t break contact when he asks.

“Huh?” I look up and blink as I take in our surroundings. Every tree from the grove is gone, the ground is singed black, except for where we are standing. We stand in a circle of bright green grass. I blink a couple more times and notice the rest of my family in similar polka dots of green surrounded by blackened earth.

I can see what Oliver is talking about though, a white flame with black tip is burning slowly across the land. I reach into my wolf and my magic and ask it to stop. Just like that, it obeys me and the flame recedes into the ground. I don’t know how I know, but no one else will be able to place magic here, it is now protected.

Chapter 0631 1

Chapter 0631 2

Chapter 0631 3


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