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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 634

“No offense to either of you, but I’m f*cking over magic.” Sam mumbles from the crook of Sierra’s neck.

Elena side-eyes him. “Well, it’s here to stay pup, and you have a direct line to it. I would apologize before your magic decides it is over your wet dog smell and stops working.”

“You all may want to pray to your Goddess, the winds are shifting.” Gentry gets out as a lightning bolt cracks along the sky.

“Get everyone to the tunnels, Sierra, NOW!”

We scramble. There was no time for ‘I love you’s’ and ‘see you soon’s.’ I just hope this wasn’t the last time I speak to any of these people.

When we get outside along the main street the air is thick and green, wind is whipping around us in short bursts. The lightning is crawling across the clouds, no start or end point, just the static in constant motion.

“What the f*ck is that?” Wyatt skids to a halt next to me.

“We’re under attack. She’s here, I can feel her.” I keep my focus forward, I think she’s waiting for me to be distracted.

I pull at my fire magic, wanting it to be ready to hit anyone that pops out of the shadows. I am starting to enjoy the way that my skin crackles just below the surface. The fire is warm and inviting to me, but can be deadly when needed. Two sides of the same coin.

Chapter 0634 1

Chapter 0634 2


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