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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 633

Hours later all of the fires are out and everyone is accounted for. There are several injuries to attend to and we are all getting a crash course in coven healing. Field training was necessary for warriors, but this is a whole other level. Since they don’t have the enhancements that our wolves give us, many herbs and other remedies more common to humans are used along with magic. All the injuries that our pack members sustained in the fight are strange. A bite that should have healed in minutes is still oozing even now. Gentry said it’s the magic that has encapsulated the rogue wolves. It’s almost like their saliva has a toxin in it.

“This is like what happened to you, Sky.” Sierra has taken to helping with and is a natural at mixing the herbs and oils that Gentry and Elena have introduced us to. It makes sense considering what her parents do for a living. I almost forget that she has a whole other skill set in alchemy because of them.

“What do you mean? I was unconscious for that whole thing.”

“We did so many tests and took so many samples. No one could figure out how you survived with everything that was running in your system and at the levels you were given.”

“I think my wolf and I decided that no matter what we would never die at the hands of Kaley and her meatheads.”

I didn’t even think about the words that I just let fall out of my face. All my mates, my brother and Sam stop what they are doing and face us, not even pretending they aren’t listening in now and move toward the table we are working at. I have never fully confronted the situation with Kaley out loud to them. The girls know bits and pieces, but with her dead, there is no retaliation they can do and I don’t plan on mentioning it again. She was never worth the mental effort to even think about when she was alive, now I just feel like her karma came back and smacked her in the best way possible. No one will talk about her, no one will remember her, she died in such an unspectacular way, so many other exciting and scary things have happened, she became unimportant. It was always her worst fear and she did it to herself.

“So it was her?” Dakota whispers in a defeated tone, standing next to me, hip propped on the table.

“It was always her in some way.” I let all the implications sit in the air, thick and stale. Then I turn to Sierra, changing the conversation. “You are really good at this Si, I think I am going to have you stay and make sure everyone here is cared for and ready to join when Vincent comes back and Adrielle finally shows her face.” I raise my hands to stop her protest. “You are the best person. You know the formulas for all of these potions and salves. You understand the toxins and poisons that are being used. You are quick on your feet, especially if the fight gets this far, and it will make every single one of us more calm and less distracted to know you are here. And everyone here knows and trusts your knowledge of all this plant sh*t.”

“Sierra, you have our future inside that wild bossy stomach of yours, please listen to Sky.” My brother approaches her like a skittish animal.

“Mateo, I can’t just sit by waiting, that will be torture.” I’ve never heard her desperate before.

“Look around you, do you really plan on being bored?” They both share a small smile

Chapter 0633 1

Chapter 0633 2


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