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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 636

“NOOOOOOOO! Motherf*cker! You are done taking from us!” Jena comes out of nowhere, claws extended from her hands, slicing at his neck. Again and again and again. She is rabid in her efforts, but he hasn’t released me yet. I still can’t breathe, but I am so proud of her. She is closing this chapter finally. He is trying to hold the wounds on his neck closed, while continuing to hold me down. He’s losing this fight. I know it, he knows it, she knows it.

She is going to take him out of this world, freeing his wolf for the Goddess to judge. I don’t care where his human spirit goes, but wherever it is I hope he burns slowly. I’m just happy she gets this closer and I can’t forget what the Goddess said. I hope my niece or nephew has the best place to grow up in after their mom rids the world of one of the worst monsters.

Her eyes are wild, scratching, clawing and biting, with her human teeth. Her face and claws are crimson, but he won’t let go of me to fight her properly. That is how messed up his priorities are. All I can do is flail, but I am getting weaker by the second. Jena and I make eye contact, she knows I will let go if it will save them all.

“Don’t even f*cking think about it Alpha!” She pulls one of my silver daggers from her waist. I don’t even want to know where it came from. I haven’t had my gear on in days, which is stupid considering. She drives it into his neck over and over again. This asshole is not dying easily.

Finally, after about ten deep stabs he collapses forward on me. I try to push his big ass off, but the way he had me pinned down it’s hard to move, so I do what anyone in my position would. I explode into flames.

He will not come back a third time. My wolf and I concentrate as hard as we can to burn hot and bright. In minutes he is pounds of ash covering me. I am ripped up into arms holding me tight.

“Bitty! What the f*ck was that?”

I hold Oliver as tight as I can. “I don’t know, but we aren’t done.”

Chapter 0636 1

Chapter 0636 2


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