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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 637

“It’s about time that you started serving your purpose.” This soft ethereal voice wraps around us. “I am done waiting for mindless, lazy wolves to complete tasks.” Several rogue wolves drop just outside the bubble.

My mates move in closer to me, everyone of them has contact. The air gets warmer and I can’t feel the magic that is holding the barrier up. I don’t have control over it anymore. We are stuck here. It’s the tornado scenario all over again.

I raise my hands letting all my anger and fear build in my palms then try to blast through the barrier with a fire blast. The flames just hit the glass like structure and glide along its edges, dispersing into the air.

“Don’t try to leave or overpower me. You are not trained enough or strong enough to resist, pups. You do not belong in any form of power. You belong in my service. Your magic can be used so much better with the right guidance. You are here to be collected by me. The only way you will survive this is to leave with me.”

“That’s not gonna happen.” Cam growls into the open air.

“It’s not a choice child. Your little mate decided to share her gifts with you, so now I have to endure all four of you. It was a mistake to gift magic to wolves. So emotional, never thinking with their heads. Selene should not have shared our magic with your Goddess. It belongs to us. You are an abomination.”

“You were mated to a wolf and had a child that was a wolf. How can you say that?” I still don’t know where she is and I think that makes me more nervous. She could be miles away, tucked safely in another warehouse while we are fighting for our lives.

“It was a weak attempt by Selene and the Moon Goddess to unite our kinds. To create balance in magic. Even the child I was given was weak, but he could have been so much more with you and you could not follow the plan that was set forth.”

A sharp tingle runs down my spine, she’s going to attack, I can feel it. I squeeze Cam and Oliver’s hands and lean back into Dakota behind me. The bubble is starting to crackle and spark. A low hum of chanting is starting, I’m not sure if it’s in my head or if they can all hear it, but I can’t seem to ask either. My mouth doesn’t work and my mindlink is stifled.

The bubble around us shatters like glass, the humming grows louder and I can finally see someone approaching. Green smoke is billowing around her like an extension of her ornate dress. It surrounds us. The circumference is like a fence.

The warriors closest to us start to drop. The ones in wolf form are gagging with their tongues hanging out writhing on the ground and the humans are grasping at their throats choking on no air. They can’t breathe and she hasn’t taken her eyes off of me. How is she doing that?

Chapter 0637 1


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